
Community Sharing Platform

Development Period

7 Weeks

Project Summary

Unify is a revolutionary online platform fostering community by promoting the sharing and reuse of various items among members. The platform features a comprehensive landing page with statistics, causes, and user blogs. Users can sign in and sign up seamlessly, access a personalized dashboard to manage listed items, explore a diverse range of items through a filtered display, and view detailed information on each item. Unify emphasizes community engagement and sustainable practices through its multifaceted design.


The objective of Unify is to revolutionize online sharing by building a strong community that actively shares and reuses various items. The platform aims to provide users with a seamless experience, encouraging sustainable practices and fostering a sense of community through shared resources.


Informative Landing Page

  • Delivers insightful platform statistics, supported causes, and user-generated blogs for a comprehensive introduction to the community.
  • Unified User Access

  • Ensures seamless and secure access through a streamlined sign-in/sign-up process and a personalized dashboard, facilitating user interaction.
  • Exploratory Item Hub

  • Displays a visually rich assortment of listed items, enhanced by filtering options, promoting user exploration and engagement within the community.
  • In-Depth Item Insights

  • Provides comprehensive details about each item, including user contact information, fostering effective communication and vibrant community participation.
  • project-img


    Unify successfully achieves its objective by providing a revolutionary online platform that fosters a sense of community through item sharing and reuse. The comprehensive landing page, unified sign-in/sign-up and dashboard, diverse item display with filtering options, and detailed item information with user contact contribute to a user-friendly and engaging experience. The platform actively promotes sustainability and community building, making a positive impact on the way users share and interact with resources.